Lauren started her triathlon journey in 2017 after seeing the Durban 70.3 on TV and thinking “these people are mad, but it looks pretty cool”.
Growing up I was national swimmer, so I figured I would be fine on the swim, I had ridden a bicycle and finished a few long races so that should be okay, but the run was uncharted territory for me.
So, I took the plunge and entered my first triathlon and have never looked back. Professionals definitely make the sport look way easier (and faster) than how my races go, but I love the tri community and support you receive from fellow athletes both on the course and in training.
I am by no means a top age group athlete, but I smile, have fun and push myself throughout the entire race. CHALLENGECAPETOWN 2019 was only my second middle distance race, and I mostly loved every minute of it (that one hill on the run was a bit wild)!
It is the most beautiful race I have done and has the most spectator friendly route to keep you motivated the entire way. 2021 is set to be an epic year for Challenge Cape Town and I can’t wait to see you all out there on this spectacular course alongside me, it is definitely not one to be missed!!